Animals & Homeopathy
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This is an amazing seminar with the marvelous Christina Chambreau DVM
Christina will draw from her 40 years of experience with homeopathy & animals.
“Animals will bless you for taking time to learn about how to use the homeopathy you already know, to have your cherished animals (and those of your patients) live longer, healthier lives.” Christina Chambreau DVM
Seminar Details:
Fee: $325
This seminar will be very interactive
I. What do each of you want from the class?
II. Over view of keys to animal health
III. Case taking for animals
IV. Obstacles to cure – part one
V. How is repertory use different with animals?
VI. Case analysis to select the remedy, the potency and the method of
VII. Evaluation of response to the remedy
VIII. Obstacles to cure – part two
IX. How COVID is affecting pet health