Farokh Masters M.D.
12 Hour Class
Fee $325
- How to manage early and late diagnosis cancers.
- Learn new therapeutics with different approaches to these types of cases.
- Dr. Master will cover how to manage complications of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.
- Discussion of how and where to find rubrics and analyze posology in classical homeopathy according to various editions of the Organon.
- Case management with what happens after the first dose? What to look for in a follow-up after the first prescription?
- General guidelines of homeopathic case-taking will be discussed with video cases especially cases with very few symptoms.
About Dr. Master:
Dr. Master found homeopathy in 1976, when he joined Bombay homeopathic medical college, after giving up his studies at the orthodox school of medicine and he never looked back.
He was honored by the House of Lords, UK for propagation of Homeopathic Systems of Medicine. Rated as Top 10 Best Homeopathic Doctors in the world by Pioneer University, Oxon U.K., and Members of the Board of the Pioneer Homoeopathic Academy of U.K and thereafter conferred the Honorary Doctorate of Homeopathy in 2006.
Dr. Master has been independently practicing as a Homeopathic Physician at Mumbai’s Homeopathic Health Center, with years of experience in Homeopathic consultation and treatment. He was the first doctor in India to introduce Homeopathy into Allopathic Modern Hospitals. He opened a pediatrics department in Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital and opened a cancer department in Ruby Hall Hospital.
He has authored over 20+ Homeopathic books and teaches worldwide.