Presented by Jonathan Hardy M.D.
12 Hour Class
Fee: $325
In this seminar we will look at the fascinating realm of Insect Remedies.
Most animals on the planet are insects. There is an incredible variety and we will look at remedies from a number of different subclasses. We will get an understanding of the themes common in Insect cases generally – in particular those of restless activity, ambition and the urge for transformation into something better – metamorphosis. We will also investigate the specific themes of various Insect Orders, including Diptera (Flies), Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths), Hymenoptera (Bees and Ants) and Orthoptera (Locusts).
The different groups will be illustrated with case examples on video, edited for clarity, including cases of Mosquito, House Fly, Locust, Honeybee, Coccus cacti, several butterflies and Damselfly. There will handouts of the general Insect themes, subclass themes and the specific remedies we study.
About Jonathan Hardy, MD: Jonathan studied Zoology at Oxford University before studying Medicine at Southampton University. He qualified as a medical physician in 1984 and has been in full-time practice as a homeopathic doctor since 1988. He currently practises in Hampshire, UK. Jonathan is a Wessex Regional tutor for the Faculty of Homeopathy, organising postgraduate training in homeopathy for doctors in the region and gives seminars on homeopathic practice throughout the UK and internationally. He has a particular interest in remedies from the mammal, bird, reptile, mollusc and spider families and has published the books, ‘Spider and Scorpion Remedies in Homeopathy’. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Homeopathy and serves as the Independent Practitioners’ Representative on the Faculty Council. Dr. Hardy has written several books including Mammals in Homeopathy and Spider & Scorpion Remedies in Homeopathy.